Sunday, March 1, 2009

Milk - An Aid to Prevent Cancer

Milk has been used in experiments in hope that there would be some ways that it could help with cancer. I read about a study of nearly 300,000 men and 200,000 women and the patients were observed for 7 years. These people all drank different amounts of milk per day. The highest intake being 4 and a half cups and the lowest being 1 and a half cups consumed per day. It was found that those who took the highest intake had a 7 percent lower risk of developing any type of cancer, then those who took the lowest intake of milk.

The researchers looked at all the gastrointestinal types of cancer; colon, pancreatic, stomach, esophageal, and liver cancers. After the research, there were no real statistical traces that milk had an effect of any, except for colon cancer. Women who took the highest intake were 28 percent less likely to develop colon cancer, while the men were 21 percent.

The main question is if it is the calcium that is actually helping in the prevention, or just the Vitamin D. It has been found that Vitamin D has been proven to control cancer cell proliferation. Some think that the results found from this study have to do with the vitamin D and calcium working together, but more research is still being done to prove this theory.

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